Digital Cultural Heritage Paper - 2024 Roundup

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A roundup of papers, essays, articles, book, blogposts, reports etc published this year I've read (ok, sometimes juist scanned) for topics I'm currently interested in, i.e. mostly digital cultural heritage or AI/web/computing related. And some random other stuff.

I reserve the right to return in the future to add other papers published this year that I missed, as my interests change. There are also many other papers I should have added here from earlier in the year, I may add more if I have another burst of enthusiam to trawl through my Zotero.


Linked Data

  • Sanderson, R. (2024) ‘Implementing Linked Art in a Multi-Modal Database for Cross-Collection Discovery’, Open Library of Humanities, 10(2). Available at:

Data Wrangling

Computational Text Analysis


Digital Humanities

Digital Editions

3D Printing

  • Volpe, Y. et al. (2014) ‘Computer-based methodologies for semi-automatic 3D model generation from paintings’, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 6(1), p. 88. Available at:

Web Development

Conference Proceedings


New Journals I've come across (or re-discovered):

  • Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH) -

  • Public Humanities -

  • RIDE - "RIDE is an open access review journal dedicated to digital editions and resources" -

  • DH Benelux Journal - "DH Benelux Journal is the official journal of the DH Benelux community, which fosters collaboration between researchers in the digital humanities in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. " -

  • Journal of Open Research Software - "The Journal of Open Research Software (JORS) features peer reviewed Software Metapapers describing research software with high reuse potential." -

  • Transformations - A DARIAH Journal is a multilingual journal created in 2024 by the European research infrastructure DARIAH ERIC. This journal is an ongoing publication with thematic issues in Digital Humanities, humanities, social sciences, and the arts. The journal is particularly interested in the use of digital tools, methods, and resources in a reproducible approach. It welcomes scientific contributions on collections of data, workflows and software analysis. -